Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Evilness can exist in every soul, every person is capable of being evil. I believe that people can learn evilness while the most evil ones are born evil, born with the bad seeds. Until Oedipus, I would've said that everyone is born equal but since Oedipus Rex, I understand more about fate, and accept fate more openly, I believe people can be born evil.

Society can feed people with evilness, with its television, movies, books, magazines, videogames, and of course, people. Parents can influence children the most. From them, people learn the art of evil and if the parents are evil, the kids are most likely to be evil. Children exhibit behaviors that are demonstrated by their parents, and that's why people say "like father, like son."

A recent Time article talks about the science of being evil. People who are good, can certainly turn evil in times of one's survival. People are also more likely to turn bad to people we are not familiar with or resemble, such as the example of a boy who was asked if it was ok to mug an elderly woman. The boy said no, but when asked who it would've been ok, he said, "A Chinese delivery guy." Now I, for one, would not mug a Chinese delivery guy because he was simply "Chinese." But what I definitely felt was a. I wanted to punch that kid and b. yeah well I don't know the kid and it won't happen anyways. If I knew the kid and was familiar with him, I would've not felt like punching the kid. So our brain has to do with evil decisions and evil actions.

I got a little off topic, but here is what I think. Some people can be born plain evil because it's in their genes. The genes affect how people act and everything. If the parents are evil, they are born bad. I remember reading/watching something about a kid who has evil parents and was adopted into a really nice family. At first, it seemed like the kid was going to be all nice and happy but that didn't happen and he resembled his parents. I don't remember what that show/movie/book was called but I'm sure someone has heard of this. So yeah, my answer is you can be born evil and you can be good and turn evil.

1 comment:

Devin said...

i bet you would say it was ok to mug a mexican.

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